Eye of Winter Inquisitor PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links (The Forbidden Sanctum)



Important PoB Notes

The PoB community fork created by Localidentity is the only version being kept up to date, so make sure you have the correct version: PoB Community Fork.

End Game PoB & Passive Skill Tree

This low budget PoB showcase a generic approach to get a stable end-game mapping experience and with decent gear availability of killing the regular end-game pinnacle bosses: https://pobb.in/OmE6GuIW0Chr Do keep in mind that once you equip Snakepit Snakepit you should remove the nodes on the far right side of the tree “Piercing Shots” as you are no longer able to pierce with your projectiles)

If you’re interested in 1 shotting the end game uber uber bosses but be completely unable to do any other type of content you can turn the build in to a super fragile glass cannon by following these instructions:

Once the skill-tree is finished, just focus entirely on more jewel sockets or cluster jewels, if you can afford it.

Leveling Progression

Depending on if you’re playing Hardcore or Softcore, you will have to adjust your routing based on how good the gear you find is. An example is that if you have lots of Life & Resistance from drops you get during the Acts, you can focus on taking the damage-providing nodes over the defensive ones and vice versa. The links below are trees that should fit in almost any situation no matter the drop RNG.

A good structure to spend your skill-points is provided in the PoB link(s) above and PathOfMatth has constructed a 2 part video series on YouTube going through the entire leveling progression!

Part 1 Video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TNQrWEtl_E
Part 2 Video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TNQrWEtl_E


A lot of the masteries available comes down to a matter of personal preference but some are more or less mandatory.

Life Mastery: “+50 to maximum life” is the bread & butter of life mastery nodes, as soon as you’re able to pick this up you should.
Reservation Mastery: “8% increased damage for each of your aura or herald skills affecting you” Big damage increase for the build.
Critical Mastery: “+25% to critical strike multiplier against unique enemies” Straight forward pure damage increase vs bosses.
Mine Mastery: “Each mine applies 2% reduced damage dealt to enemies near it, up to 10%” Generic defensive modifier.
Mine Mastery: “Each mine applies 2% increased damage taken to enemies near it, up to 10%” Generic damage providing modifier.
Mine Mastery: “Regenerate 2.5% of life per second if you’ve detonated a mine recently” Helps sustain our life.
Life Mastery: “Regenerate 2% of life per second while moving” Another modifier helping us sustain our life.
Spell Suppression Mastery: “Critical Strike chance is increased by chance to suppress spell damage” This makes our investments towards defensive layers also benefit our damage output.

Amulet Anointment

The best choice for your amulet here is to oil: Divine Judgement this requires 1x Sepia Oil Sepia Oil, Teal Oil Teal Oil & 1x Black Oil Black Oil.

End Game Gem Links

6-Link Eye of Winter Mines

We’ll be using Blastchain Mine support to ramp up increased damage together with some supports that helps trap-speed as it’s not something we get as an Inquisitor:

  1. Eye of Winter Eye of Winter
  2. Charged Mines Support Charged Mines Support
  3. Swift Assembly Support Swift Assembly Support
  4. Trap and Mine Damage Support Trap and Mine Damage Support
  5. Blastchain Mine Support Blastchain Mine Support
  6. Hypothermia Support Hypothermia Support

3-Link Arrogance Auras

We’ll be taking a little bit of our life for the use for this set-up:

  1. Arrogance Support Arrogance Support
  2. Vitality Vitality
  3. Frost Shield Frost Shield

3-Link Divine Blessing Aura

We will be using Divine Blessing to have a duration based aura-buff in the form of Zealotry:

  1. Zealotry Zealotry
  2. Divine Blessing Support Divine Blessing Support
  3. Inspiration Support Inspiration Support

2-Link CWDT

Classic Cast When Damage Taken set-up:

  1. Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support (LvL 1)
  2. Immortal Call Immortal Call (LvL 3)


  1. Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support (LvL 8)
  2. Molten Shell Molten Shell (LvL 14)

2-Link Mobility + Righteous Fire

Generic Flame Dash and Righteous Fire:

  1. Righteous Fire Righteous Fire
  2. Flame Dash Flame Dash

4-Link Arcanist Brand

Automating our debuffs we want on single-target boss fights with Arcanist Brand:

  1. Arcanist Brand Arcanist Brand (LvL 1)
  2. Flame Wall Flame Wall
  3. Bear Trap Bear Trap
  4. Assassin's Mark Assassin's Mark

Main Page TL;DR


  • 3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum Changelog:* PoB's updated* Uber end-game content glass cannon 1-shotter version: added* Removed Poacher's Aim (can no longer drop)* Added Snakepit for clear enhancing

  • Build added.

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