Eye of Winter Inquisitor Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon Powers (The Forbidden Sanctum)




The most optimal way to play this build leaves very little choices when it comes to the Ascendancy nodes, which I will cover in this section of the guide. My preferred set-up is below, listed in order of importance (and tied to the way you need to travel to access them).

  1. Sanctuary
  2. Pious Path
  3. Righteous Providence
  4. Inevitable Judgement


Sanctuary This creates consecrated ground makes enemies take increased damage as well as providing us with extra regeneration.

Pious Path

Pious Path This further escalates the efficiency of having our consecrated ground affect our energy shield as well as increasing the efficiency of the ground effect.

Righteous Providence

Righteous Providence Turns our attributes in to strong offensive scaling sticks on top of adding +50 strength & intelligence.

Inevitable Judgement

Inevitable Judgement. Makes our critical strikes ignore enemy resistances.


For this build we will be killing all the bandits for the juicy extra skill-points.


Most builds goes by personal preference, the same goes for this build. I prefer to run the upgraded Brine King to get freeze immunity for the major god.

You should pick the Ryslatha as the minor god to get passive flask charges during boss fights.

Main Page TL;DR


  • 3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum Changelog:* PoB's updated* Uber end-game content glass cannon 1-shotter version: added* Removed Poacher's Aim (can no longer drop)* Added Snakepit for clear enhancing

  • Build added.

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